
So, I guess I should let you all know….

I’m done with residency.



Wow.  Yeah.  So, that happened.

I’m also happy to announce that I have accepted an excellent fellowship position at an extremely high-powered institution.  I will be specializing in Palliative Care, which is a relatively new branch of medicine that focuses on pain control, non-pain symptom control, counseling for difficult medical decisions, end-of-life care, bioethics, and minimization of the trauma of hospitalization and critical/terminal illness.  This will all start next year.

What am I going to do with my year?  Well, I’m glad you asked.

I’m going to study for the boards, write a book, take a few classes toward an MBA, and help run a Phase I trial for a potential new treatment for sickle cell disease.  And if I’m alive, I’ll be moving to a new city around this time next year.

What will I not be doing?

I will not be sleeping in a call room.  And I will not be waking up in a panic, trying to figure out which of these objects woke me:

ImageFrom top to bottom: The call room’s phone, the code pager, my personal pager, my personal cell phone (don’t judge), and the ER direct-line cell phone. Picture taken by my iPhone, which was also capable of waking me up.

Oh yeah, and maybe I’ll write an article or two for you guys.  Because you were so patient while I finished up my Resident Evil….I mean Evil Residency.

See you soon!

Dr. G

Published in: on July 16, 2013 at 11:35 pm  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Congratulations! I’ve been reading though your blog..

  2. Congratulations!

  3. Maybe you will come to Tucson. You can suffer through amazing heat, blinding dust storms, rattlers in your garden (that never puts out much due to heat), miserable monsoons, etc. I have to agree that palliative care is the way to go tho……good pick. Just keep up with the blog…..after five 12’s, sometimes your sarcastic ass is all that cheers me.

  4. Woohoo! Congratulations! And many commendations for your chosen field. There just isn’t enough work done in palliative care, and so many more people need it than are getting it. People think of palliative care as ONLY end-of-life care, but as you said, it’s also pain and symptom control, whether the patient is at end-of-life or not.

    Thank you for choosing a discipline that needs your passion.

    And thank you for returning to the blog — you don’t know how many nasty things I’ve done to my characters without your advice! I can only hope they work…


  5. Congratulations! Hope you’re coming to UNC, we’d love to have you! We have a great palliative care program here. Just sayin’….

  6. Congratulations, and let me add to the chorus of appreciation for your choice of field. It’s so good to know you’re planning to kick back and relax. ?!???!!!? Boards, a book, an MBA, a clinical trial… what are you doing in your spare time? Seriously, much applause for your achievements, and if the new city should be anywhere in the New York area, I’d be delighted to welcome you.

  7. Congratulations! Do please take a day or two to celebrate. You deserve it.

    I hope you do manage to wedge a few articles for the blog in there, alongside saving the world and all.

  8. Hey, does this mean we can ask you questions again? If you gave somebody kabobs cooked on oleander-wood skewers, would it poison them? (Nasty things, oleanders–they’re poisonous root, branch, and blossom. Yes, blossom: oleander honey is dangerous stuff.)

  9. Them meaning the person/s of course. The kabobs are presumably past caring.

  10. Thanks, everybody!

    It’s been busy-busy-busy; I swear, I want to get back to this blog soon! Stay tuned!


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