Doing Blogging and I’m Still Alive

So, I haven’t said word one to you lovely party people since July!

Lots of things have happened.

I will not be able to update you on all of it now. So I’ll just talk about the important stuff.

1) Fellowship – I’ve turned in my applications for Palliative Care fellowships. I’m waiting to be invited for interviews. I’m both looking forward to and dreading the interview trail.

2) Major schedule upheaval – I’m not going directly into fellowship after residency. I’m tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally…I’m more tired than I ever thought was possible. So I’ll be taking a break. For a year.

3) Things to be accomplished during year of break – I will do most of an MBA degree. And I will study for and take the Internal Medicine Boards, at my leisure (instead of rushing to get it done right after residency). I will finish my half-finished novel. I will get back to making this blog worth following (I have all kinds of stories to tell you!). And I will try to figure out how to be a medical consultant for TV and movies (because I think it will be absurd amounts of fun.) Also, one of the rock-star guru docs in my system offered me a job in his clinic. Out of the blue. I may take him up on that too. I will also visit many people who I have been neglecting while I’ve been chained to my residency program. So yeah. Nice, relaxing year. I plan to spend a good amount of it in my local tea shop, drinking embarrassing amounts of chai.

4) My little brother is engaged. His fiancee is awesome. He has also started medical school. Which is fun to watch. My big brother is doing well, too. I keep hoping he’ll move closer to me so I can spend more time with him.

5) Spoon Avocado, for many intents and purposes, has basically become my cat for the forseeable future. She may become my brother’s cat again when he moves into cat-friendly housing… but for now, the Pukeapocalypse continues. Still trying new ideas (wet food! pumpkin! petroleum jelly!)….and the QUALITY of the puke has changed……in other news, I’ve turned into that person who puts a vinyl tablecloth over their couch. Don’t judge.

6) I’m writing a bit again (because I’m on elective, which is far less stressful and far less time-intensive than real life). I retried a story that I’ve been trying to get right for TEN WHOLE GODFORSAKEN YEARS, and finally, FINALLY I have a draft I’m satisfied with! Hoo. It’s on submission right now; I’m re-discovering the unique joy/stress that comes with having a story out looking for its place in the world.

7) I’ve updated my blog! Like a responsible writer-with-an-audience! Are you proud of me?

So that’s my slew of updates! What’s going on in your life?

Nice to see you again; thanks for coming back!

Published in: on December 12, 2012 at 3:52 am  Comments (12)